Ampersands is a text-based retro adventure game for Android in which your every decision governs your survival and your score. Fight mythic beasts, seek out ancient artefacts and discover new places as you explore a mysterious fantasy world in search of treasure.

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What's New in v1.4?
New Content
- Added 10 new Arenas, along with new events and items.
- Added a maximum number of searches before each Arena is found.
- Added a 5% chance to remain the same level after a fight.
- Added a special event upon reaching level 50.
- Added more powerful Challenge Stones for binding higher-level enemies.
- Added a rare easter egg.
- New fish icon.
Tweaks / Rebalancing
- Black Dragon can no longer be found in the Arena Courtyard straight away.
- Challenge Stones no longer have a 100% success rate.
- Increased base flee chance and reduced boots effectiveness.
- Rebalanced Hall of Mirrors and Tavern.
- Reduced low-end equipment costs.
- Reduced Fish cost.
- Increased Moon Key cost.
- Slightly reduced the treasure of Immortal Souls.
- Added new ranks and adjusted rank requirements.
- Increased likelihood of finding events in the Arena Courtyard.
- Fixed unreachable event in the Tavern.
- Fixed buttons occasionally becoming unresponsive.
- Fixed duplicate scores being added to the scoreboard.
- Fixed being able to use a Challenge Stone in the Challenge Room.
- Corrected a typo in the Guidebook.
Other Changes
- Reset global scores.
- Minor aesthetic / performance improvements.
- Upgraded components to latest Android versions.
Published 2016/12/06